Wondering why our League didn't host a candidate's forum this year?

This letter to the editor was submitted to the Ashland Daily Press last week.

No LVW forums prior to elections

I am writing on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Ashland and Bayfield Counties to express our disappointment that we will not be able to hold voter forums this month leading up to the November 4 elections. The League’s forums are a chance for all area citizens to ask questions of the candidates and are operated in an unbiased, fair manner. Unfortunately, some of the candidates in this season’s elections did not respond to our forum invitations or indicated that they were “too busy” to participate in League forums. To their credit, Janet Bewley, Beth Meyers and Kelly Westlund all enthusiastically agreed to participate, and provided a number of dates they would be available. Their opponents did not.

The League of Women Voters will continue offering forums, if candidates will agree to participate. The service is for the voters, and candidates who are unresponsive or refuse to attend are denying citizens a chance to hear from them, learn of the candidates’ positions, and gain the knowledge necessary to make informed voting decisions on election day.

We encourage citizens to exercise their right to vote on Nov. 4, and are delighted that because of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision last week, photo IDs will not be required.

Madelaine Herder, President

League of Women Voters of Ashland and Bayfield Counties

Link to Letter