Fall 2020 Newsletter

Dear Members and Friends,

Below you will find our fall newsletter.  As you'll see, there is a lot going on!  I hope you enjoy this issue and encourage you to get involved, if you are not already.  How do you get involved?  It's as simple as contacting the chair of the committee you are interested in, and those contacts are included in this issue.  

In addition, we have the following positions open and need people to fill them! 

  • Communications Chair — Could you help us do a better job with communications?  This role will be responsible for coordinating the communication needs of our chapter.  We already have a website administrator, a graphic designer dedicated to the Leaguer newsletter, another graphic designer who helps make ad hoc signs and materials, and a member who refines and submits our monthly Bottomline articles, we just need someone to help us roll out communication plans more effectively and ensure we take a multi-media approach to engaging the community.

  • Finance Chair — do you have talent in the finance field?  Looking for a leader to ensure we have a successful finance drive and a timely and effective budgeting process.  

    • Finance Drive Committee Members (annual fundraiser by mail).  This is nice for people who like a short time volunteer commitment.  Duties include creating fundraising letter, getting the letter printed, addressing and stuffing envelopes and mailing the letters.  This is generally done in the November-December timeframe.  

    • Budget Committee Members:  In January, we will want a committee to help set the budget for next year.  The timeframe for this commitment is January – April.  

  • If interested in one of the chair positions or serving on the board next year, please contact Jo Bailey at  (715) 209-2017 (cell) or (715) 779-9712 (LL).

Have a wonderful day!

Sue Niemi, President, League of Women Voters of Ashland and Bayfield Counties

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