A Great Issues Briefing

Thank you to everyone who joined us for LWVWI’s 2022 virtual Issues Briefing! The feedback you shared about our three “Justice Matters'' programs indicates the series was relevant, highly engaging and extremely informative.

Our keynote speakers were passionate about their topics, spotlighting the pressing need for justice in financing our elections (Matt Rothschild), in our fight for women’s rights (Elisabeth Griffith) and in protecting our environment (Meleesa Johnson). Each speaker provided pragmatic steps we can take to make a difference such as electing impartial justices to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, not letting up in our advocacy for women’s rights, and using our purchasing power to push PFAS-infused products off the market while advancing laws to phase out non-essential packaging that contains these harmful chemicals.

Wisconsin artists, singer Donna Re’née and artist Jeff Zimpel graced Issues Briefing with their artistic interpretations of justice. Their performances were brief but profoundly moving. 

The recording of all three Issues Briefing programs is available for viewing!